Fibromyalgia affects approximately 900,000 Canadians, about 3% of the population. People with this condition are severely impacted by it, as fibromyalgia leads to a lower quality of life, higher rates of hospitalization, increased rates of depression, and chronic pain. Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are ways to treat and relieve pain and symptoms. Because fibromyalgia affects the musculoskeletal system, soft tissue treatment is a popular option for symptom reduction. Chiropractors offer several forms of treatment, including the use of Graston Technique®, which helps to address muscle aches and pains.
How A Chiropractor Can Use Graston Technique® For Fibromyalgia
What Is Graston Technique®?
This treatment was originally developed by athletes to help improve healing after sport-related injuries but it has since been adapted for the treatment of patients with chronic soft-tissue injuries and conditions. This soft tissue treatment technique uses several stainless steel instruments to help locate and break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. Graston Technique® breaks down fibrotic tissues, and the excess tissues will be reabsorbed by the body. Similar to Massage Therapy, Graston Technique® strokes the skin and muscles to relieve tension and inflammation, but because of the design of the tools, this technique uses cross frictional massages.
Want to learn more about Graston Technique®?
Read What Is Graston Technique®? Does It Work?
What Is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that can have many symptoms including pain throughout the body, fatigue, headaches/migraines, insomnia, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety, tingling/numbness in the hands and feet, face/jaw pain, digestive problems, and increased pain sensitivity. Because fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, most people will feel muscle aches almost constantly, although they may experience flare-ups, particularly if they are under a lot of stress, not sleeping much, or have physically exerted themselves. Flare-ups can also be triggered by changes in hormones or barometric pressure. Fibromyalgia can be hard to diagnose, but the main symptom that indicates a person has fibromyalgia is persistent muscle pain that is typically described as an ache similar to a post-workout soreness or the aches you feel when sick with the flu. The cause of fibromyalgia is not known, however, treatments have been developed to help manage these symptoms.
How Can Graston Technique® Address Fibromyalgia?
The use of Graston Technique® can benefit those with fibromyalgia by stretching and strengthening the muscles. This treatment helps to break down scar tissue and can relieve some of the pain caused by these inflexible fibres within the muscles. Graston Technique® is also used to treat chronic inflammation. By breaking down scar tissue and adhesions within the soft tissue, Graston Technique® can help reduce the stiffness and pain caused by fibromyalgia and this reduction of aching muscles can lead to a subsequent reduction of other symptoms, such as a lack of sleep.
Visit A Calgary Chiropractor To Address Fibromyalgia Symptoms
Seeking treatment from a professional chiropractor can help to relieve the pain and symptoms of fibromyalgia. At Shephard Health in Calgary, our team of chiropractors will consult with you to determine the best treatment or combination of treatments to help reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms. Our Calgary chiropractors may use Graston Technique®, but we also offer several other forms of advanced chiropractic techniques that can help relieve your symptoms. If you are ready to reduce your pain and address your fibromyalgia, contact Shephard Health at 1-403-543-7499.
Q: How many Graston Technique® treatments will it take before I start noticing a difference?
A: Patients usually receive two treatments per week over 4-5 weeks. Most patients have a positive response by the third to fourth treatment. The process includes a brief warm-up exercise, Graston Technique® treatment, followed by stretching, strengthening, and ice.
Q: What increases my risk of developing fibromyalgia?
A: Although the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, some common risk factors have been determined. For example, women are more likely than men to develop fibromyalgia. Your risk of developing fibromyalgia is also increased if you smoke, are obese, or are diagnosed with other conditions such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Q: Is bruising normal after a Graston Technique® treatment?
A: Mild bruising can occur after a Graston treatment. This is normal and part of the healing process.

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